Мотивационное Письмо Для Учебы За Границей Пример

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Вы, наверное, слышали о том, что для поступления во многие зарубежные вузы, нужно написать мотивационное письмо. Теперь у вас есть образец, как это делать При подаче документов для обучения за рубежом, зачастую вам требуется предоставить мотивационное письмо. Ниже приведу пример собственного письма, которое я предоставлял для обучения в Пекине.

Мотивационное Письмо Для Учебы За Границей Образец

Мотивационное письмо. Мотивационное письмо для учебы за границей. Письмо пример. Как составить мотивационное письмо при. Письма для визы, как пример.

Вы можете использовать его как образец, при этом информацию измените немного под себя, в зависимости от своих личных данных и города, в который вы подаете документы, а также специальности, которую вы выбираете. Dear Sir/Madam Why do I apply for the university in Beijing and what are my study plans? Currently in the twenty first century, the century of new technologies, education has become an essential attribute for every successful, competitive person. The quality of education is continually rising, and the opportunity to study at a respected university is very valuable. The more qualified an education an individual receives, the easier it is to become successful in a variety of employable fields in the future. It is not strange that many people are seeking profound knowledge. I am not an exception.

At my home town here in Kazakhstan I currently work as a freelance translator, dealing with Russian and English. My current degree is bachelor of education; that means I am entitled to be both a teacher and a translator. I am interested in continuing my education in China, as I want to become a professional user of foreign languages namely Chinese.

It is my firm belief that I cannot bring up well-educated pupils or be a good employee without becoming an all-round, highly-educated person first. Learning Chinese here in Kazakhstan has been a rather difficult process.

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In Kazakhstan, the main languages are Kazakh and Russian, not Chinese and it is not very popular language in my northern region of Kazakhstan. This is why to fully understand Chinese, its culture and tradition is very difficult without being immersed in a country where people use the language in question.


Why have I chosen China and namely Beijing? To start, I would like to mention that today that Chinese universities are among the “World’s best universities”. For example, three paramount leaders of China such as Mao Tse-tung, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping graduated from Beijing universities. This fact shows the intellectual level of knowledge offered at the universities in the capital of China. I have chosen the faculty that I find to be most closely related with my profession and interests.

Social and humanitarian sciences typically research various viewpoints of human life. They do not give exact facts concerning anyone’s specific actions in their society. Rather, these sciences only investigate principles and factors of plausible outcomes. Take into consideration the historical background and similarities between Kazakhstan and China. Our countries have been living next to each other for centuries, so it means they have a lot in common. Nowadays China has made a tremendous progress in almost every aspect of life including education.

And today China is one of the most developed countries in its region. The professors at Beijing universities are well-experienced in their realms. They know their subjects very well, as they have been studying them for a long time. I want to be a student trained by these professors who can teach me a lot.

Kazakhstan also has knowledgeable professors, but they are not of China origin and their native language is rarely Chinese. I believe I will attain more experience and knowledge from the professors at the universities of Beijing.


After I complete my studies, I will better understand how to use Chinese effectively in any field I will be dealing with. The opportunity to study in the one of the best cities of Asia is very exciting. I want to discover the life of the Chinese community. I want to understand the people and culture living in on the most ancient civilizations in the world. Here in Kazakhstan I can only read about Chinese culture in books, or on the internet.

Living and studying in China among other Chinese people, I will become more aware of their life, culture, habits, and history. After I return to my home country, I am planning on using my acquired knowledge to help the welfare both of my country and China since I will be speaking Chinese and help our countries to communicate effectively between each other. My country really needs highly-educated professionals.

This is precisely why I wish to study at Beijing. I believe I will be helpful to my country.

Мотивационное Письмо Для Учебы За Границей Пример На Русском

The people around me will understand more about Chinese life from my own experience. It will be easier for them to understand Asians, especially Chinese culture.

Мотивационное Письмо Для Обучения За Границей Пример

Many other students will have a great motivation to study well, because only specific number of them will be able to study abroad. Finally, I want to conclude that to be a perfect, all-round expert in the realm of foreign languages, and to be able to teach my future pupils or to be a professional translator of Chinese or to work in any other field that has to do with China I need to have experience of living in China among native speakers of Mandarin. I am looking forward to starting my classes in Beijing. I believe it will be a very memorable experience for me, and it will be very helpful in my profession whatever it might be in the future.